Dear Colleague,
You are invited to the 2021 GANZ AGM. The Council will report back to members and elections will be held for many positions, although some Council members who are completing their two-year term are re-nominating. The GANZ Council will also be bringing specific proposals for the development and re-invigoration of GANZ in 2022 to the members. Stay tuned for more details!
The AGM will be held online only due to COVID.
Sunday 14 November 2021
7.30am AWST (WA)
9am ACDT (SA)
9:30am AEST (Qld)
10:30am AEDT (NSW, VIC, ACT, TAS)
12:30pm NZT (Christchurch)
The meeting is scheduled for 2 hours.
AGM scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Nov 14, 2021 09:30 AM Brisbane
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 0243 9581
Passcode: 040760
9.00 am ACST (SA) / 9.30am AEST (QLD) 10.30 am AEDT (NSW, VIC, ACT, TAS) / 12:30 pm NZT:
9:10 am ACST / 9.40am AEST / 10:40 am AEDT / 12:40 pm NZT:
Community Connection – Experiential exercise
9:30 am ACST / 10.00 am AEST / 11:30 am AEDT / 1:30 pm NZT:
Formal start to AGM
This year is an election year for GANZ, as we farewell Julia Werner (Co-Vice President and Secretary), Aicha Brogan (Community and Membership) and Eric Houghton (International and External Relationships) as Council members. Nathan Dick will finish his work as Co-Vice-President; he will put his nomination forward to remain as treasurer. GANZ would like to thank each of them for their time, work and commitment to GANZ and to supporting Gestalt Therapy in recent years.
The positions for which an election will be held are: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Professional Development Community and Membership International and External Relationships Please find role descriptions here.
Council members Nathan Dick and Michelle Sier are interested in continuing their current positions as Treasurer and Professional Development chair.
Nominations for the above-listed positions must be received on the attached form by 24 October 2021 addressed to: The Secretary GANZ Inc, PO Box 398, Fairfield, Vic 3078 Or by email to:
Elections will not be held for the positions of PACFA Liaison, Student Rep and Research, as the incumbents have not completed their two-year term.
The AGM also offers an opportunity for GANZ Members to propose motions for approval by the GANZ Community or seek changes to the constitution. Attached is a proposed form for resolutions.
The constitution can be viewed here.
The constitution requires resolutions to be provided to the Secretary, Julia Werner, 21 days before the meeting which means prior to 24 October 2021.
We would like to have discussed your resolutions with you prior to this so please get your proposals to Julia ASAP and a member of the council will call you to discuss.
Attached are: Agenda Minutes of 2020 AGM (to follow) Council Role descriptionsNomination formProposal form for AGM 2021 Resolutions Proxy form for members who cannot attend the AGM (will be released 24/10/2021) Voting instructions (will be released 24/10/2021) President, Treasurer and Chair reports for 2020/2021 (to follow)
CLOSING DATES According to the constitution, nominations for Council positions can be accepted either at least 21 days before the AGM (24/10/2021) or at the AGM itself. Nominations for Council positions must be received on the attached form addressed to: The Secretary GANZ Inc, PO Box 398, Fairfield, Vic 3078 Or by email to the Secretary Proposals for constitutional change are also required to be lodged 21 days before the meeting, which means prior to 24/10/2021. We would like to have discussed your resolutions with you prior to this so please get your proposals to the Secretary, Julia Werner, ASAP on and a member of the council will call you to discuss.
We hope to see you at the GANZ online AGM 2021.
The GANZ Council
Annie, Julia, Nathan, Aicha, Michelle, Larz, Kat, Amanda, Karolina & Eric